Origin (2022)
“An album with so much variety, so many shifts and twists, that it’s not exclusively for one genre fan or another. Sure, stoner fans will probably find themselves sitting the most comfortably while listening to it but it’s absurd to suggest metal and rock fans in general won’t find reasons to groove and move to a least a handful of tracks here." https://www.gbhbl.com/album-review-indus-valley-kings-origin-self-released/
"In their latest release, Origin, the band members have pushed themselves, and they’ve successfully avoided the sophomore slump with something as fresh as it is exciting...Origin feels fresh at every turn because it’s entirely unpredictable, making every song a new, fresh discovery in the Indus Valley Kings kingdom." https://monsterriff.com/2022/06/10/indus-valley-kings-origin-album-review/
"'Origin" is a very interesting and varied album that will be loved by smoky heads looking for the right refreshment for the mind. A group that is doing remarkable things and is a candidate for disc of the year...” https://www.iyezine.com/indus-valley-kings-mirror-queen-fatso-jetson-deep-space-mask?fbclid=IwAR03TZ1uqp2kPxJHhxCyglr3hSy0D1RDlzi-oGuSRn0OqluBJO4Dg7PFoiQ
“This was endless rock fun, and we suggest it to anyone that loves real deal doom, grunge, classic rock, garage and fuzztone with smart songwriting. Crank this one and enjoy it.” https://www.buzzslayers.com/post/indus-valley-kings-release-a-massive-rock-opus
"As with their eponymous debut, Origin will be a permanent staple on my metal/doom/stoner playlist and it should undeniably make it to yours. Pick up this gem of an album and let the Kings take you on a trip you’ll want to retake over and over." https://harbingerofdoom1.blogspot.com/2022/06/review-indus-valley-kings-origin.html